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2020-2021全球本科生交流项目(Global UGRAD)
发布者:网站管理员 发布时间:2019-12-06

全球本科生交流项目(Global  UGRAD正在招生。这是全额资助的学术文化交流项目,来自世界60多个国家的大学本科生会在遍及美国的一些大学里进行一个学期的学习。Global  UGRAD项目向所有人开放,不同领域的大学本科生均可报名,不论性别,宗教,是否残疾等等,并鼓励边远地区学生报名。




如有问题,可联系周月: ZhouYU@state.gov


The  2020-2021 Global UGRAD Program is a fully paid academic and cultural  exchange program designed to increase your knowledge and global connectivity.   Global UGRADs come from 60+ countries and study for a semester at universities  across the U.S. Undergraduate students from all fields of study are encouraged  to apply.  This program is open to all, regardless of gender, religion, sexual  orientation, or disability.


Applications will close December 31, 2019 at 5:00pm  EST.  Click here for your application. Global UGRAD online  application

a.   The online includes step-by-step  application instructions, a recommendation form, and essay writing  tips.

b.   You should request your academic  transcripts and letters of recommendation as soon as possible, as you will not  be able to add additional information after the December 31 application  closing.  If you are a finalist you may provide English translations of your  updated transcripts after you have been selected as a finalist or  alternate.


These on-line resources should help: World Learning’s Global UGRAD website, Interactive  Graphic, and Global  UGRAD Facebook page


Frequently  Asked Questions:

1.    Could  you be a Global UGRAD participant? (Yes to these questions means,  “YES!”)

  • Will you be 18+  in age at the time of the program's start?

  • Are you enrolled  as a full-time undergraduate student?

  • Do you have  familiarity with the English language?

  • Will you have  finished at least 1 semester of college by August 2019?

  • Would you have  1+ semester(s) remaining after the end of the  program?


2.   Do you  have to pay to take the TOEFL exam?

No. Selected  finalists or alternates will be notified and provided a voucher to take the  TOEFL examination.


3.   What are  the host schools for 2020-2021?

The Global  UGRAD Program works with geographically diverse, private, public, and minority  serving institutions. Global Learning doesn’t publicize the list of host  institutions, but one can get a sense of last year’s nearly 80 host colleges and  universities from the articles in our Global UGRAD Program newsletter, the Global Gazette. Host campuses ranged from  small rural colleges to large state universities.  Additionally, the  universities are diverse in the types of fields of study they offer.  Some  universities might be better known for their IT and engineering programs while  others are excellent for biology, fine arts or literature.  Each year, World  Learning places around 253 Global UGRAD students at around 70 different  universities.




如有问题,可联系周月: ZhouYU@state.gov  

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